

有4.2 million Registered Nurses (RN’s) in the US today, nursing is the largest 医疗保健行业. The federal government projects that more than 203,000 new registered nurse positions will be created each year from 2021-2031. 护士提供 preventative and restorative health care to patients in a wide variety of settings. 副学士护士(A.D.N.’s) complete two-years of nursing course work at a 社区学院. The Bachelors of Science in 护理 (BSN) is the preferred path of entry into registered nursing. BSN programs usually take 5 years to complete. 而 each of these programs lead to licensure as a RN, a BSN affords the opportunity to pursue leadership, management, and more independent nursing roles. BSN毕业生可以 pursue advanced degrees or training in nursing and enjoy greater career advancement 机会. Employers are expressing a strong preference for new nurses with a 学士学位.

Earnings and Occupational Outlook

The median annual salary for Registered Nurses was $77,600 in 2021, salaries vary greatly with geographic loca- tion and health care setting. 最低的10% of registered nurses earned less than $59,450 and the highest 10 percent earned over $120,250 (职业展望手册).

“Employment of registered nurses is expected to grow 6% from 2021 to 2031, about as fast as the average for all occupations.” According to the American Association of Colleges of 护理, the BSN nurse is prepared for a broader role - the BSN nurse is the only basic nursing graduate prepared to practice in all health care settings; critical care, ambulatory care, public health and mental health, and thus has the greatest employment flexibility of any entry-level RN.

There are many areas open to nursing graduates, including the traditional hospital nurse who may work in pediatrics, maternity, the operating room, surgical units, critical 护理,还是创伤. Increasingly, nurses also work as nursing educators, quality assurance nurses, nurse managers, and in home health.

At the Master’s degree level there are increasing 机会 for study that include: nursing administration, nurse midwifery, clinical specialist, nurse anesthetist, case management, and nurse practitioner (family, adult, pediatric). 持有博士学位的护士 degrees often take positions in research or academic settings.

In 2021, the median annual wages for registered nurses in the top industries in which 他们的工作如下:

行业 年度工资
政府 $85,970
Hospitals (state, local, and private) $78,070
流动医疗服务    $76,700
护理 and residential care facilities $72,420
Educational services (state, local, and private) $61,780


Pathways to Becoming a Baccalaureate Level Registered Nurse

  • Enter Traditional Bachelor of Science 护理 Program at a 4-year college or university (4 - 5年)

  • Earn an Associate’s Degree in 护理 to become a registered nurse (2 years). 加入 a Bridge Program for an additional 2 summer intersessions while in the A.D.N. 计划, plus one year at the university upon completing a 2 year 护理程序. 输入一个 RN to BSN program at a four-year university (1-2 years) after completing the 2 year 护理程序.

  • Earn a Bachelor's degree in a non-nursing field (4 years). 进入加速或 traditional BSN program (2-3 years)

  • Earn a Bachelor's degree in a non-nursing field (4 years). 输入入门级MSN 计划, which awards the BSN and/or RN license along the way (3 years)

护理 Program Prerequisite Courses:

Class 主题
解剖025 人体解剖学
生理学001 人类生理
微生物学002 微生物学
化学002 Chemistry (general, inorganic, organic)
001年英语 阅读 & 作文
批判性思维课程 例如:英语001B, 001C等...
统计数据018或050 统计数据
演讲001或010 公共演讲或人际关系
001年心理学 心理学概论
社会学001 社会学概论
011年营养 人类营养

Local Universities with 护理 Departments:

Local Schools that offer Accelerated Bachelor of Science in 护理 (ABSN) for Students with a Bachelor’s Degree in a Major Other Than 护理:

  • 亚利桑那太平洋大学
  • 加州浸会大学
  • 查尔斯德鲁大学
  • Mervyn Dymally School of 护理
  • 塞缪尔·梅里特学院
  • 旧金山州立大学
  • 加州大学戴维斯分校
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校
  • 加州大学欧文分校
  • 加州大学旧金山分校
  • 圣地亚哥大学|
  • 旧金山大学
  • University of the Pacific Western
  • 健康科学大学

Helpful Websites for 护理 Students: