1. 登录 LancerPoint (http://lancerpoint.zoutao1989.com)
  2. 点击 hamburger menu

  3. 点击 发现

  4. Step 4: 搜索 “My LancerPlan & Program Audit” then click on My Educational Plan

  5. 输入您的 PCC ID # (8位)

  6. 点击 your educational plan to open

  7. You will now be able to view your full educational plan, including notes from your 辅导员.  Remember to click on the “>” symbol to view more terms.  点击 蓝色的盒子 to view 辅导员’s note.

  8. If you see a “Placeholder Requirement” similar to the below, it is referring to a specific GE area on one of the GE patterns.

    If it says IGETC, go to the following link to lookup the area and select 1 course from the area.

    If it says CSUGE, go to the following link to lookup the area and select 1 course from the area.

    If it says PCC GE, go to the following link to lookup the area and select 1 course from the area.

    You may notice the “PROGRAM AUDIT” tab at the top of your educational plan. The program audit might not match your academic goal in educational plan.  To update your major/academic goal in the program audit, please connect with a 辅导员 in Express 咨询 or submit an online counseling request.

  9. If you need to submit your financial aid educational plan to your SAP appeal, you will need to save your educational plan as a PDF document.

    When viewing your educational plan, at the top of the page, click on the “printer” 图标.

    • A new window will open
    • In the new window, click on the “printer” 图标 again

    • Printer menu will appear.  Change your printer to “Adobe PDF” or “Microsoft Print to PDF” or “Save as PDF”
    • Select where you would like to save your PDF document file.