的 Risser Outstanding Teacher Award it the highest honor for faculty at PCC. 的 cash award is presented annually to a nomimated PCC faculty member who has given outstanding service and contributions to the College.

Only currently enrolled Pasadena City College students have an opportunity to nominate PCC faculty members for this award, which is presented annually to a full-time, tenure-track or tenured PCC faculty member. 的 recipient receives a cash award and their name on the Risser Outstanding Teacher Recognition Plaque.

Recipients are awarded for:

  • Quality of instruction
  • Inspiration to students
  • Fair, understandable evaluation and grading
  • Loyalty to the college and to our country
  • Number of times teach has been nominated (please note that previous recipients are not eligible).


Only currently enrolled students may start the nomination process of a deserving faculty member; fellow students and other college employees may participate in the process by signing the nomination form(s).的 提名 period occurs annually during the Spring Semester.

2023 Award 提名

Currently enrolled students received an email with the details on February 2nd.  的 deadline to nominate a faculty member is Friday, March 3rd at 4pm.  To nominate a faculty member, a currently enrolled student must fill out a Google 形式(点击这里) and then recruit as many students as possible to write supporting nominations.  Obviously, quality is better than quantity. 

Students wishing to learn more about the nomination process can attend a workshop on February 16th at 12pm.  点击这里 to register for this online event. 

Please check back on this page for more details.

Past Risser Award Winners

  • 多萝西科尔特
  • 罗兰水槽
  • 诺曼·贾斯特
  • 威廉Goldmann
  • Marion Pavlovitch
  • Robert Heckman
  • Anthony Georgilas
  • Norman Rittgers
  • V. 泰德•詹姆斯
  • 丹尼尔黄
  • Sam Soghomonian
  • Leonard Franco
  • 卡门Brunol
  • 帕特里克•布朗
  • 约翰·格雷戈里
  • 杰拉尔德•刘易斯
  • Barbara Turner
  • Jean Volckmann
  • 艾伦利贡
  • David Douglass
  • Suzanne Bravender
  • 詹姆斯Riherd
  • 弗娜井
  • Michelle Ireland-Galman
  • Mary Jane Cordon
  • Patricia Staub
  • 帕特里夏·林恩
  • Phil Cornelius
  • 杰拉尔德·芬恩
  • Donald Gallon
  • 贝蒂奥卡河
  • 斯坦香港
  • Richard Wheeler
  • Elvio Angeloni
  • Sandi Iverson
  • Eloy萨拉特
  • Carmen Porreca
  • 大卫·麦凯布
  • 克丽丝Pilon
  • Dootsdeemalachanok Thongthiraj
  • Shane Underwood
  • Robert Randall
  • 彼得·莱利
  • Jillian Blatti
  • 德里克·米尔恩
  • 特里博尔曼
  • Bryan Gonzalez
  • Anthony Francoso
  • 桑迪李
  • Christine Loritsch